Racism and Hate: Charleston Is America

Once again we are confronted with mass murder and once again the victims of this cowardly, non-remorseful and heinous act  are Black folks. This undoubtedly serves as a stark vivid reminder of the grim and horrific reality of racism and hatred that is so prevalent in America and has been for centuries. Most folks especially in white society will emphatically deny that there is such a problem. However, the calculated gruesome murders that were executed  in Charleston S.C. speak of a very different narrative.  We also again have an armed and dangerous white mass murderer being taken into custody without a single shot being fired. We definitely can not say the same for armed or unarmed Black people now, can we? Something is inherently wrong here……

This past week we have lost nine exceptional Black people who were pillars of love, strength, courage , faith and enlightenment within the African-American community in Charleston S. C. Nine wonderful people who without hesitancy  welcomed into their house of worship an individual whose face looked nothing like theirs. It was unequivocally their compassion for their fellow-man and their unconditional love for God that allowed them to see beyond the color of his skin and give considerable thought to his possible needs. They sat together at a table and exchanged thoughts and discussed scripture. They offered him prayer and solace from possible grief and loneliness as well as fellowship. They had extended nothing but kindness, love, compassion and empathy to this hate enraged wayward stranger only to be brutally and callously murdered . What manner of vileness breeds such wretchedness…..

As a human being and of African descent, I am deeply saddened, hurt and angered by this cowardly reprehensible and cruel act of murder perpetuated on these Black people who extended nothing but love and prayer. There is a part of me that begs to inflict the same  upon white people so that they for once might feel the anguish that black people have been  experiencing in this country and the world for centuries….Fortunately I choose to take the higher ground but inside of me stirs an inferno and I must quell it….The relatives of the victims have expressed their forgiveness and have displayed amazing grace. I’m not sure if I could have or would have done the same after such a tragic loss of life. I guess the thought is that hate invariably consumes the soul and clouds one judgement which impedes love and understanding and sound judgement from prevailing. I have the utmost admiration for their ability to forgive so immediately and so gracefully with such an abundance of pain and heart ache to endure… As for the perpetrator of this heinous and cowardly act one could argue that he was a confused, lost, self hateful and despondent person who was consumed with  inflicting pain and suffrage to illicit a more violent reaction and garner recognition…Yes, he most definitely has some deeply rooted psychological issues.

This may be true to a degree however, I believe and feel that the root of this reprehensible cowardly act  (as with so many others before it ) stems from a much deeper problem. A problem of vast systemic  and symptomatic proportions that has allowed this manner of vicious, vile and contemptible  behavior to thrive unabated in America.  What is it that compels any person to snatch away the life of another without any regard of how it may impact others?  We have to ask ourselves, what could possibly poison a person’s heart so thoroughly and effectively beyond a moral conscience and to the point of no return.  This is what needs to be examined. What is it that breeds such vileness and contempt? A monstrous wickedness has been conceived  within the belly of America and  she breeds children of hate.

Let us not forget that the state of South Carolina is embedded in history as the forerunner in secession from the Union. This state gave birth and rise to the confederacy of states that fought to preserve a way of life that was entrenched in forced human bondage and cruelty towards African people in order to preserve an uncompensated labor force. This state of South Carolina has to this day statues and monuments erected that are vivid reminders of an era that promoted the institution of slavery and white supremacy. The state of South Carolina proudly flies the flag of the confederacy which reflects the history of slavery and hatred towards an African people and creates a seemingly irrevocable divisiveness….  All of these civil war period relics belong in a museum for public viewing not in the public. What  is the message that  resonates loud and with precise clarity to the people of South Carolina both Black and white as well as the rest of the world?

It undoubtedly states that they ( whites )  still honor the symbolism and ideologies of a despicable era in American History and venerate its eminent defenders….  They ( whites ) will continue to embrace and embellish the confederacy’s heritage and significance of that era. They (whites ) still believe in the fundamental ideals of White Supremacy and Black Inferiority….This ideology and ethnocentric position is a blatant smack in the face to everything that the United States flag represents. Unbridled hypocrisy….

One can not expect to tear down racism until we tear down the very symbols that represent and encourage white supremacy and change those minds that encourage and support this ideology…..Once that separation has taken place maybe there can be a genuine and collective effort towards dismantling white dominance and eliminating Racism……

Racism defined in Webster’s Dictionary is the belief that ones own race is superior: A policy or practice based on racism.

Racism, born out of slavery has systematically been implemented  over the years through Jim Crow laws and white supremest idealists. It is an institution and mechanization of oppression that has been adapted by the white majority for the sole purpose of dominance, enslavement and profit .

It is the birth child of a white supremest mentality which permits it to fester, permeate  and perpetuate  its vile, ugly and wretched poison within the fabric of our society. RACISM IS NOT THE ENEMY, WHITE SUPREMACY IS. This scheme of domination has served as the precursor for the unthinkable and deplorable acts of violence and murder committed against Black people all across this country.. This is what breeds the contempt and hatred inflicted upon  all people of color and the under-class but mainly black people.

White Supremacy and Dominance;

This country has given birth to the most contemptible form of hatred and oppression. The very first colonies established here were built on the backs of an oppressed under class of white British folks who served as slaves in a system of so-called indentured service.  ( It is possible that the majority of whites in this country are descendants of those white slaves and their white slave owners ). How can there not exist a contempt for human life when the very first settlers here were the architects of a class system that was designed to keep in bondage their own countrymen for the mere accumulation of wealth, power and dominance? Africans were ushered into a chattel and caste system that was already in place and thriving.

Classism and the need for white dominance is what has given birth to racism. A system that was predicated on conformity and class status was established in Europe during the Middle ages and implemented right here in America. This country was founded on the exact same hate and separatism. There has consistently been a contemptuous and utter disregard for human life because of an insatiable and rapacious appetite for wealth and power. What we are experiencing today are systemic and symptomatic components of that unconscionable deviant self-serving mentality….The scourge of racism flows unimpeded into the chambers of institutions and the naive influential minds of people. . Millions of people  both Black and White were forced or deceptively coerced into subjugation and servitude by greedy people whose foundation was erroneously presented as being constructed on the pillars of morality, integrity, freedom, equality and justice for all.

This nation with its grand scheme of Democracy and fallacious contentious Constitution, contrived Emancipation Proclamation and Thirteenth Amendment continues to snatch away the very freedom she has bequeath to Black people with continued violent aggression, oppression, prejudices and discrimination. Oh how we have longed for the day whence we would merrily and with great joy pursue and enjoy that which has remained ever so elusive. We have continuously striven to prove our worth, campaigned for equal rights and a level playing field. The ability to taste liberty, freedom and privilege without the ever-present cloud of vindictiveness hovering over our heads. Every time that we have put forth extraordinary effort and attained incredible achievements, there has always been a concerted effort on the part of the white majority to marginalize us and cancel out these gains. The  jealousies, the hate and the envy of whites continue to constantly rear it vicious and ugly head to pervasively destroy through  acts of wretched violence and legislature most of the achievements that are realized by the African-American people.
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We as Black people have also been complicit in the hindrance and sabotage of own progress as well and we need to also address that … But this is about White Supremacy and the ugly children of racism and hate that she breeds.

As I have been saying, this country is entrenched in corruption, greed, prejudice, discrimination, conflict of morals, hypocrisy, contempt, hate and etcetra. Until we can earnestly and with an unwavering commitment begin to address the underlying core issue that continues to feed this, we will continue to witness such heinous acts of violence and tragic loss of life…..My prayers and hope for healing go out to all of the relatives of the victims. I can’t even begin to fathom the emotional and mental anguish they are dealing with at this time. I pray and hope that the lives that were taken as a result of hate and malice so abruptly are not lost in vain. I pray that they will serve as a beacon of love and strength to help bridge the enormous racial divide in South Carolina as well as this country and the world.  That is definitely hoping for an enormous shift but I believe that in time nothing is completely insurmountable. I also offer prayer to those folks who are consumed with vile and contemptuous hate for the African-American people. Love can and will conquer hate….

 Any person consumed with hate towards another undoubtedly hates their self. Love can not begin for someone until one can harness the ability to love ones self.

Written By Al DeVeaux Jr.

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