What are we missing and why? (The Quest for Comfort)

Hello and blessings to all of you…  Man, you know it has been a little while in between posts , but hey it has not been for a lack of desire to write as much as it has been lacking the spark. Every now and then I experience a lapse because I slip into a period of what I can best express as zero gravity… I am here, my senses are functioning and the thoughts are circulating however the process from the mind to paper is a being of it’s own…With that said though, I always have a few thoughts that are in draft form but have yet to be completed. This is one of them… Initially the title was going to be (Humans Need Comfort) but as I began to think and write, it dawned on me that comfort is just one element in the equation and only scratches the surface. We are an extremely empty species and our emotional needs go much deeper than that.. However, for this piece I want to talk about the need we have for comfort and how we will search endlessly for it and try almost anything that will bring that one ever elusive quality to our life. With every tick tock of the clock, every passing day, week, month and year, we are on a constant journey or quest if you will,  seeking comfort. …

A child is in the womb where it is sheltered and provided for. It has evolved from the embryo stage into the infant stage. Constantly receiving nourishment, it knows and understands absolutely nothing in this state of unconsciousness (except comfort).  It has yet to be awakened . For now it is oblivious to all that is occurring in the world outside of its encapsulated and insulated existence…It is safe for now but the time will come for the infant to exit it’s shell of security.  It has to be manipulated and forced out whether the birth is naturally or by cesarean section, either way, it must come out…
Once this infant has been removed from its sanctuary and the umbilical cord is severed, it begins to cry. It is seems as though it immediately recognizes the separation. The doctor or nurse then hands the wailing infant to the mother and as she holds and begins to nurse the infant it becomes silent. The newborn is now suckling the mother’s milk and all is as it was with the only difference being the breast has now become the umbilical cord providing nourishment and the mother’s arms providing the comfort and security of the womb… From this moment forward the infant will invariably yearn and cry incessantly for this comfort… As it grows up it will embark on a journey through life and forever seek this abstract and seemingly elusive state of being…
Why are we stricken with this uncontrollable behavior or trait? I mean, why the heck are we not able to develop our independence once we have stopped sucking on the nipple or bottle and as we learn to walk , talk, go to the toilet on our own and have reached puberty? Most of us are so cuddled while we are young that we stay around the household well into our twenties and sometimes thirties still hanging around…. Some of us would not leave  the nest if we didn’t get tossed out on our butts or given some type of ultimatum to leave…Why is that? Why is it that we also need validation, approval, love, attention and so forth and why will we try or indulge in questionable behavior or immoral acts just to feel a temporary moment of gratitude or satisfaction? We have a determined propensity towards this behavior and will do this repeatedly knowing full well it will not fill the void. Even if it devastates our life and others around us!
Every other species that appears to have evolved on this planet seems to have naturally developed without this behavior except us… Hmmm…We are deluged with oceans of emotions and it’s a wonder we all aren’t psychotic cause I’ll tell it’s enough to drive anyone crazy…Drinking, drugging, over eating, partying, sex maniacs, compulsive shoppers, pretenders, and the list goes on…No wonder the world is so screwed up!!! You would think that we would have been better equipped mentally and emotionally by our creators to deal with all of this nonsense and chaos but who knows, maybe we are the reality show for them!!! History does show that entertainment has been a favorite pass time for boredom in other civilizations.. Why should our creators be any different? Just a thought folks..
So, What R we missing and why? I have a few thoughts about this as you definitely already know.. First and foremost I feel that we are mostly empty beings and our DNA is wired that way. The majority of humans ( and I mean the majority) need to feel secure and safe and are always seeking a nod of approval, some degree appreciation, love, a need to belong to something or just plain fit in (association and relevance), which may explain why a lot of folks do some of the most idiotic things just to get noticed. I mean just look at social media and all of this ( like me or like this) nonsense.. What the heck is that all about.. Society has degraded to a magnanimous reality show of insatiable consumption, selfishness, greed and absurdity. There is this overwhelming feeling of insecurity, emptiness and an ominous cloud looming over us…The multitude is starving for “IT” but we do not know is how to go about getting “IT”.

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That thing, that abstract, non tangible unseen sense of “IT”  can not be filled by that which is external.. It just can not be done which undoubtedly explains why we are never, ever satisfied no matter how much of these external pleasures we indulge in.. The individual that tries to fill that void with food just gets fatter and fatter, the drinker just gets drunker and drunker till they can’t get drunk anymore and becomes an obstinate alcoholic, the druggie just gets more addicted and both become non-sociable, obstinate, pathetic and intolerable. The rich get richer, greedier and greedier, more belligerent and miserable, the compulsive shopper gets more and more in debt and the poor, well they  just stay poor and forgotten..But you know what the scary part to all of this is; none of them see it, want or care to acknowledge it… Well maybe with the exception of the poor but very few can do anything really substantial to improve their situation! And most have regrettably become comfortable and accepting of their situation in life.
That void is so huge that no amount of anything external can calm it, not even religion…All of these indulgences will only provide us with a temporary relief. That need for inner gratification can only be generated from our own sense of well-being.. This is basically the only path to realizing and achieving it… Nothing and I mean absolutely nothing else will suffice! What are we missing and why is because we are much to focused and consumed with the external and fail to focus on the internal.. We are beings of light as well as beings of physical mass and what feeds the corporeal (physical) will not suffice for the incorporeal (non-physical)…So therefore the journey in life should also be one of internal discovery as much as it is one of external discovery.. This is not taught to us so, we are oblivious to our essential need for it..Everything that we tend to know and relate to is of the physical world and the very essence of our  internal being yearns for more!!
Comfort will always elude us!!! Needy and Greedy, Lost and Empty Souls! What is a human to do?
Feed your soul and in turn lift your spirit. Come out of the darkness and enter into the light..
Written by; Alton T. DeVeaux Jr (Africafifth)

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