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Learn and Grow.. Knowledge, like food is Essential to Life. Good food grows good fruit....FEED YOUR MIND, FEED YOUR BODY AND FEED YOUR SOUL. Proverbs 4 Verse 7: WISDOM IS THE PRINCIPAL THING: AND WITH ALL THY GETTING, GET UNDERSTANDING Verse 8 EXALT HER AND SHE SHALL PROMOTE THEE: SHE SHALL BRING THEE TO HONOUR WHEN THOU DOST EMBRACE HER How beautiful are these words of instruction from the bible. Embrace them and they will serve us well.



The time has come for us and those who support us to take a stand and form a united front against the senseless, violent, and murderous acts committed by law enforcement officers throughout the United States. These are the American citizens both men and women that have sworn an oath to serve and protect the very citizens they victimize. This is the establishment that has a duty to protect and serve but instead violates that contract of oath with the American people by its deplorable conduct. Since 911 there have been more American Citizens killed by Law Enforcement in the U.S. than by terrorists. An excess of over 5000 Americans citizens since then have lost their lives at the hands of police officers which is an alarming number at any rate.
We the people are continuously victimized by these overzealous maniacs whose badge and uniform are supposed to be a representation of integrity and honor. We are supposed to feel safe and confident when we see these civil servants in uniform but instead we feel threatened. As United States citizens it is our tax dollars that supports and pays the salaries of this Law Enforcement Agency. Yet we, the citizens of the United States of America who pay for the protection of this agency seek a need for protection against them. What have we become as a nation when we allow American citizens who wear the uniform of law to beat, kick, shoot, murder and violate the rights of the American citizens they have sworn to serve and protect?
When has it become acceptable to shoot down in cold blood any citizen that has raised his or her hands in the air to surrender or one who is fleeing?
When has a citizen carrying a pocket knife become more dangerous than a citizen with an assault rifle or firearm exercising their right to open carry?
When has the use of deadly force become necessary to disarm any citizen carrying anything other than a firearm?
When has it become acceptable to beat any female citizen with fists, to place her in a choke hold or to throw her to the ground with severe, unnecessary, and brutal force that causes extensive injuries or death?
When has it become acceptable to punch or tip over any handicapped citizen in a wheelchair who clearly offers no indication of being a threat?
When has it become acceptable to viciously beat, taser or shoot with deadly force any citizen that has been handcuffed? What possible threat could they be at that point?                                                                                Why is it possible to tase and subdue armed white men who have killed and shot numerous people without killing them but an unarmed Black man has to be shot and killed?
How is it possible to rule that the majority of these officers acted in self-defense or that their actions were completely justifiable?
These are just a few vicious and heinous acts of violence committed by these officers in blue who have become more representative of black and blue…Are we a country that sits idly by and allows these officers whose actions are those of a death squad to continue without challenge or accountability?  We are talking about cold-blooded murder and I as another human being has become extremely tired and discontented with the lack of concern or effort by the Federal Government to take the appropriate action to protect its citizens from such blatant acts of violence and murder by law enforcement officers. It is time that this agency review it’s procedures as it pertains to arrest and apprehension. It must review it policies regarding which situations require the use of deadly force. The use of deadly force should never be exercised by any officer against an unarmed citizen.

My proposal is that it is time for us to put our money where our mouth is. We need to bring national attention to this out of control epidemic of violence.  We need to boycott all National holiday sales as a beginning. Organized Massive boycotts or work stoppages that will impact the economy need to be planned and executed. This is not just an African-American issue, this is a Human Rights issue.  I am imploring all American citizens  that are fed up with the deplorable conduct of our Law Enforcement Agency’s to organize and to make an impact..


If you say you are tired of the senseless beatings, if you say you are fed up with the murders  that aren’t prosecuted,  if you say you are done with the civil rights violations, harassment, profiling and you want to make a statement, then this is your opportunity to do so. This can and should be a national if not global boycott that could possibly have a huge impact for our cause. We can boycott this day and every other huge sale day if need be in order to be taken seriously. This is a prime opportunity for us as American citizens to demand to have our voices heard and become relevant.
If you are not willing to sacrifice buying the latest gadgets, toys or big screen sets then you are not ready for a change. If you can not for one or two days refrain from the lure of shopping and you have very little faith in the power that your money has, then you are not ready for change. How much longer are you willing to tolerate this reprehensible behavior and conduct by law enforcement? How much longer are you willing to allow these officers to make a mockery of justice and your rights as citizens? How many more citizens have to be brutally beaten or murdered before these officers are held accountable? We can not shoot them down in the streets but we can and must make a statement with our dollars. This is not a huge sacrifice and I know that there are a lot of people who might be skeptical. However, it is what we have to implement and it is the start for us to finally unite as one and effect a change.. Others before us have sacrificed their lives, shed blood and so much more for what they believed in. This is the least we can do to eradicate this blight on police, morality and civil rights. If we fail to take this initiative and make a stand now, then the deaths of Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Darrien Hunt, Jonathan Crawford, Tamir Rice and countless others will have been meaningless.
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We demand the demilitarization of all police departments within the USA
We demand that any officer involved in the shooting death of an unarmed person be Immediately suspended from duty without pay pending an investigation and be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for murder.
We demand that all law enforcement officers be retrained to use non violent methods in order to subdue suspects that are not a threat to the life of an officer.
We demand the immediate halt to the request of ID from citizens without just cause.
We demand that all officers be required to wear video cameras
We demand that officers who violate any person’s civil rights be immediately reprimanded and suspended without pay for one month.
We demand an immediate halt to racial or any manner of profiling.
We demand that any officer that strikes a person without just cause be immediately suspended without pay.
We demand that any male officer that strikes a woman be immediately discharged from duty and brought up on charges.

Article written by:    Al DeVeuax Jr. Africa Fifth Registered & Protected<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />