Category Archives: Social Conscious

Are You A Black Man

The above title is a question that was directed towards me one day so I decided to share its premise with you.

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So I’m on one of the social networks one day engaged in a conversation with another brother who felt very strongly that Black folks should get reparations. Initially the topic of conversation was in reference to the 507 Billion Dollars that Black folks pump into the economy annually but somehow got steered towards reparations. This is a topic that has been debated for some time and was also presented before congress in 1989.


This particular brothers reasoning for wanting reparations was for the simple fact that he felt  that Black folks of today should receive compensation for the years of free labor America had siphoned off the backs of slaves to build this country.  Now don’t get me wrong. I feel America owes an insurmountable debt to our people for the atrocities our ancestors have experience from the oppressive and murderous hands of white slave owners too. However, I definitely do not understand how putting large sums of cash in the hands of people is going to rectify the issue. The amount he thought would be appropriate was about one million dollars to be distributed to Black families. Somehow this would give us Black folks a share in the wealth and I guess sort of balance things out. So I asked him if he was advocating that every Black person or household be given the sum of one million dollars to level the playing field so to speak. Personally, I felt that it would be useless for the simple fact that the money would be squandered and would go right back into the hands of the ones who provided it. His response was as follows ( I have never, nor the majority had a million. It’s a chance and a mercy. We deserve it and would at a minimum accept that as repentance for the harm caused by slavery in the hope that we could move on with some sense of normalcy ). He further went on to say that ( I am saying that this could be a viable option to finding a solution that could stop the wholesale murder of our people. If you choose to view it as a share of the wealth I can accept that. I believe that it is a small portion of what is due ).

I was amazed and just a little perplexed at this brothers reasoning. I mean he couldn’t really be serious, or could he?
I responded to the brother as follows (With all due respect brother, that is ridiculous. The money will do absolutely nothing. It will never be enough !!)  Evidently I must have really pissed the brother off because he started to become real indignant and began to call into question my Blackness. Man, I gotta say that it’s just like some qwerty board revolutionary to become insulting and disrespectful when you don’t agree with their position.

What in the world are the majority of Black folks going to do with one million dollars besides, piss it away. Most don’t have the slightest clue as to how to manage the little that they do have and besides once uncle Sam takes his share you’ll have a lot less than that. They know absolutely nothing about investments or cash management. Hell, most can’t even manage their lives. Now I don’t say this to be insulting, I’m just speaking the truth. If any person lacks the ability to manage their household, they most definitely aren’t ready for prime time..

I was asked, are you a Black man and what suggestions did I have. Well, I simply responded to the brother that I am the kind of Black man who is not begging the white man for some money. Gimme, Gimme, Gimme.. Oops, he didn’t take that response to well at all. The next thing I knew, the brother had blocked and un-followed me.  Now, these are the type of brothers who are continuously claiming that we need to come together and stop fighting with one another but are quick to drop an insult on you when you disagree with them. The type of brothers that are always saying how down they are for the cause but are the first ones to haul ass and leaving you hanging. You know the type I’m referring to. Black when it’s right and out of sight when it’s time to fight.. You can spot them anywhere, because they’re always talking about how the white man is holding them down. The white man has his foot on their throat and they can’t breathe. So forth and so on…

Well damn brother, you need to get a little bit of a fight in you and tell him to raise the heck up and if he doesn’t, remove that foot and get him up off of you. But no, that’s a little bit to difficult for you because it requires some heart and hard work. It  is much easier for you to just complain about it rather than do something about it. But you are all ready to pump your chest out to lead the charge and be the cheer leader for reparations as long as no one challenges you. Apparently when you are challenged to a mature, intelligent and constructive conversation you tend to get unnerved and take your pom poms and go home. Now, with all that said I still will not question his Blackness but I will call into question his heart as well as his agenda.

With all due respect, ( can I say that after such a brutal but truthful lashing) oh well, this Black man will not require your services at all because I am not that kind of Black man.  You see, I am the kind of Black man who has come from the inner city roach and mice infested projects, dropped out of high school and has experienced the perilous journey of life through drug addiction, self-doubt and much self-inflicted pain. The Black man who decided to choose life over death one night while contemplating suicide. The Black man who sought help from others because  I wanted so desperately to turn a life spiraling out of control around. The kind of Black man who rose up,  fell and then rose again. You see, I know what it is like to do without and having to stretch that coin in order to make ends meet. I am extremely familiar with sacrifice and having to work with a steadfast determination to be successful. Yes, I am the kind of Black man who has payed his dues, who has made mistakes in his life but holds no one else accountable for them but myself. I am the kind of Black man who today has his own company which was built from the ground up. Yes and didn’t beg the white man for a damn thing.  Yes I am the kind of Black man who is self-educated and a proud father and husband who has unparalleled love and devotion. The road has not been an easy one but it has been a road nevertheless that was manageable and success realized through prayer, determination, dedication, discipline and diligence. I committed myself to the process and continued to press on and press through.

I am the kind of Black man whose African lineage can be traced back five generations to the proud Akan people of Ghana and the Temne people of Sierra Leone. Yes, I am a direct descendant of Africans who were sold into Slavery in the 1800’s who endured a life of painful subjugation and upon gaining their freedom went on to build meaningful and successful lives. I can say with enormous admiration and humility that I am the kind of Black man whose ancestors were a proud African people who endured a hardship that I would never know during a period of extreme racial divide and violence  but were able to construct a  respectable legacy from hard work, education and devotion to family in the process.

Part of this legacy can be found in the book “African-Americans of Lower Richland County”.   So as a 5th generation African-American and a direct descendant of Slaves who rose up and triumphed over the most extreme adversarial period, I am the kind of Black man who has risen up and was also triumphant over adversity as well, but my hardships will never parallel theirs.

In closing I want to emphasize how we should refrain from criticism of one another and attempt to be more understanding and respectful. We need to practice the reservation of judgement especially when we are not in the least familiar with the other person or their life. We can of course express our sentiments about the comments made but should definitely refrain from personal attacks.  Some of you who read this may or may not agree which is understandable, but at least you have some food for thought… Peace and Blessings Registered & Protected<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

Written by: Al DeVeaux Jr.


Indoctrination of White Supremacy

The success and dominance of the European (so-called whites) over the centuries has generally been attributed to the oppression of other races and precision systematic planning. The attempted eradication of the Native American coupled with the controlled institutionalized enslavement of the Africans has provided them with enormous wealth and has elevated them to various levels of power and dominance which as of today has yet to be challenged.
In this land of the Americas the European (so-called white) has constructed through carefully devised schemes of deviousness, deception, manipulation, and corruption, a completely thorough unchallenged realm of supremacy and dominance. The Native American through countless wars, dishonored and broken treaties has been relegated to reservations where they are now virtually irrelevant. The African-American like the Native American had also endured years of suffrage but from a different yet more extreme effective method. The African had been forcibly condemned to an existence of forced subjugation and subjected to the most heinous and cruel forms of punishment known to mankind. Africans had been forcibly confined to an existence of total deprivation which was void of any human rights or qualities.
The African’s status as a human being was completely stripped away and we were condemned to a standard that was lower than an animal to allow for the possession of us as property.  The thought of not reducing that status would conflict with the moral and religious beliefs set forth and embraced by the Christian colonials. So henceforth the decision was embraced and adopted to label Africans as sub-humans in an order to ease the quilt of conscious and moral judgment in the European (so-called whites). This opened the door for an unchallenged institution of slavery and provided the European (so-called whites) with an infinite source of non-resistant slave laborers.
We know all too well that the Europeans (so-called whites) had no problem compromising their morals, principles, and religious beliefs for the sake of enormous wealth and power. This can be no more evident than when England enslaved their very own country’s men and women and children to provide an uncompensated labor force for the cash crop industry they were investing in and building in early Americas colonization.

So henceforth with the indoctrination and acceptance of slavery and the opportunity for enormous wealth at their feet they constructed the foundation  for complete dominance, power and wealth…There would not be much of a resistance or immediate challenge to this system of enslavement because of the enormous demand of the industrial revolution in America and for the nations whom profited from it….In addition the Europeans ( so-called whites ) were notorious for stealing ideas and the inventions of slaves in order to market them as their own and reap all the profits.
So I guess we can to some degree understand why the Black man today has difficulty competing in this European( so-called white ) dominated world. We can attribute some of this malignancy to the insidious effects of a system that was designed to oppress rather than assist. We should also be somewhat accepting of the fact that quite possibly there may be some residual damage passed on through generations of post-slavery suffrage.
If we were to just take a moment to try to envision what the landscape of America must have looked like with the sudden and unprepared liberation of 3 million ( 3,000,000 ) plus slaves. Keep in mind that this is the period of post civil war where the attitudes of many were not very ingratiating of our dark-skinned ancestors. What was America to do with them and what were they to do with themselves now that the day they have  yearned for had finally come. Yes this day they would no longer be a people held in bondage and forced to perform over bearing and grueling work for another people. As of this day they would no longer have the threat of an overseers whip lashing across their backs and cutting away through layer after layer of human flesh. Nor would they for the moment have to fear the hangman’s noose around their necks for insubordination or for fleeing for their freedom.
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Granted not all newly freedmen fell into this category however, for the majority of them this was indeed their situation. They would be a lost and disoriented people void of any real direction. Consequently this left many of them in serious precarious situations. They were unemployed, homeless, and hungry and naturally would resort to whatever means necessary to feed, cloth and shelter themselves. Here is where a large population of people becomes destitute and completely dependent on a system to take care of them. This freedom was not in essence an absolute freedom because this freedman would still have to rely on the very same people who had initially enslaved them. Many would to depend on their former en-slavers while others ( and not very many) were fortunate enough to acquire land through the Freedman’s Act and eventually were able to own it outright. But for the majority of the former slaves the outcome was much grimmer. These African farmers worked their land but still were at the mercy of the merchants and bankers. Most would end up losing their land due to the inflated costs for goods that they were charged for or otherwise just cheated out of. The African-American not being an educated man had no other alternative but to agree to whatever terms were offered to him. This usually meant that he would always be at a disadvantage and could never see his way clear to pay off his debtors and make a profit. No matter how hard he toiled over his land to bring his crop to market, the so-called whites would always devise a scheme to defraud him. Often times he would be under paid for his crop and he dared not question the merchant for fear of his life. Most of these former slaves found themselves in a perpetuity of insurmountable debt and would eventually lose the land.
The new land owners would then offer the former slaves the opportunity to rent the land (known as tenancy) work it and harvest the crop while living on the land.
To be continued… Registered & Protected<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> W8BO-HUZ5-DJRL-G0FY

Written by Africafifth


Bill Cosby; Witch Hunt or A Modern Day Lynching

Lately I have been hearing and reading the barrage of negative comments, rumors and accusations launched across social and mainstream media regarding rape allegations against Bill Cosby. I look at the set of circumstances with circumspect and I contemplate what could have possibly preceded this unfortunate situation and can’t help but wonder why now and why him? It’s not that I don’t believe in his guilt or the validity of the allegations. However, what I am a firm believer in is the right to due process. I have always believed that any person that has been accused of a crime  (guilty or not) should always be considered innocent until proven guilty.  Once we have deviated away from this process we no longer are the civil and democratic society that we profess ourselves to be. When I witness the type of prejudicial and unmitigated personal attack on another human being without substantiated cause it becomes very reminiscent of the witch hunts of Salem in 1692 and other modern-day witch Day Care  abuse Trials and The Communist Witch Hunts of McCarthyism.

It appears as though it has become a standard practice for the media as well as the general public to assume the role of judge and jury? Oh yes, and let us not forget about  this same poisonous campaign was that incessantly launched against the King of Pop ( Michael Jackson ). He was also convicted  by the media and public as well and found to be innocent of any and all wrong doing in a court of law. However, the  damage had already been done and the minds of people would always have that image of child molester burned into their conscious forever. I know, I get it, if the accusations are there obviously there must be some truth to them.  I mean, why would someone accuse another human being of committing an offense if it weren’t true?  Where there is smoke there most certainly must be fire.  Not necessarily true. Often times  there is something smoldering that causes  produces the smoke and in this particular situation it is the accusations…

I’m left to think about the people of Salem who were all hanged and even stoned because of the mass hysteria that was generated and engulfed the minds of a few paranoid folks. granted we are not burning Mr. Cosby at the stake literally but nonetheless he is being served up..

People have a tendency to circulate unfounded stories when their minds perceive something to be that is not necessarily so and also when they are seeking revenge. or maybe some attention. Some people will also view it as an opportunity to cash in on someones stardom.  Yes the world is rampant with unscrupulous, despicable and conniving leaches who will do anything for a quick payday.  When do we start to question the legitimacy of these accusations as well as the integrity of the accuser. We don’t seem to have a problem assigning guilt to the accused.

Why should we ever question the integrity or intentions of an accuser? Obviously we are not known for sentencing innocent people to prison or to death row for that matter.  Oh that’s right, we have erred on a few occasions so our system may be just a little bit flawed but surely the media and public opinion are absent of any culpability as it pertains to these matters.

When the media takes on an active campaign to consistently smear and feed the public with unsubstantiated information, it doesn’t matter what the level of innocence may or may not be.  The assigning of guilt must be swift and precise. This irresponsible mechanization of information is not concerned with the innocence of someone, especially Black people. So there is no justification for them to assume an unbiased position. Especially when the sole purpose is to slander and destroy an individual’s reputation and credibility.  If this individual is not in locked step with them and their ideologies and is a representation of independent Black power then they are the enemy. They can not afford to have any icon of Black power that has high visibility and influence to be venerated by Black people and definitely not by any white folks. This will give Black people the stupid notion that they can separate themselves from the white man and achieve social and economic success without him. In addition, if  Bill Cosby is allowed once again to have his own television show, Black people and others just might begin to perceive themselves in a positive light instead of the negative image that white folks worked so vigorously to sub plant in the minds of people. No more Cosby shows depicting Black people as responsible and civil. We prefer the Blackish, The Hip Hop in Atlanta, The Black Divas and you know those shows that are really  more demonstrative of  the Black culture.

So, I am left with the question: Why the witch hunt or character assassination and why now? There was ample time to bring up these charges in a court of law but they never were.  Why forty years later when this man is 78 years old? Oh what the heck, they might as well dig up former President Bill Clinton’s past history of alleged rapes and sexual harassment and for that matter anyone else they might want to destroy. The past should stay in the past unless of course it has some constructive relevance to the present. I don’t see where this would be remotely applicable regarding this situation. Bill Cosby has been in the public spotlight and performing in venues for over 40 yrs. He has been involved in the Civil Rights Movement, has an exemplary record for philanthropy in which he has donated millions of dollars to colleges, foundations and charities. I mean we are talking about Mr. Jello, Fat Albert, Kids Say The Darndest Things.,I Spy, Let’s Do It Again and the list goes on!!!!

Here is part of the legacy that this Black man ( Mr. Bill Cosby ) has created……

Career: Comedian, 1963–; actor, 1965–; author, 1973–.

Memberships: United Negro College Fund; NAACP; Operation PUSH; Sickle Cell Foundation; Hello Friend/Ennis William Cosby Foundation.

Awards: Eight Grammy awards for best comedy album; four Emmy awards; NAACP Image Award; Golden Globe Award; four People’s Choice awards; Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Hall of Fame inductee, 1994; Kennedy Center Awards Honoree, 1998; People’s Choice Award for Favorite All-Time Television Star, 1999; People’s Choice Award for Favorite Male Performer in a New Television Series, 1997; Image Award for Outstanding Performance in a Youth or Children’s Series/Special for: Little Bill, 2001; Presidential Medal of Freedom, 2002; Bob Hope Humanitarian Emmy Award, 2003.
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It is not my contention to assign guilt or innocence to Mr. Cosby however I will assign guilt to the media for their absolute and unabashed dereliction in their responsibility to remain objective in their reporting of the news. It is not their duty to form panels of discussion which offers up varying opinions pertaining to the quilt or innocence of any person. When this border line has been crossed it lends to  influence the minds and judgement of the viewers. The threshold of intolerance continues to be shifted and we lose sight of what is right and what is wrong.

Black people and folks in general need to be extremely mindful of the information that we digest. We accept or are easily persuaded to disassociate ourselves from our own people based on accusations. It wasn’t to long ago when the then Senator Obama was vying for the office of POTUS and the media began a full-blown out campaign to assassinate the character of the Reverend Wright and his radical views. The then Senator Obama under much pressure threw the reverend under the bus ( so to speak ) denouncing the support of him, his radical views and statements. There was also an effort by the media and other conservative groups attacking The First Lady and depicting her as this angry militant Black women and more  recently declaring her to be a transsexual and our President homosexual. This type of irresponsible and reckless behavior sole intent is to plant a seed and create an atmosphere of gossip and suspicion.

During this same period there were accusations of rape launched against Mr. Herman Cain ( a Black man ) who was vying for the office of POTUS for the conservative party. Mr. Cain had begun to gain considerable popularity in the polls however amid allegations of sexual assault and rape had decided to end his campaign for POTUS. Of course these charges were never proven and eventually that dark cloud which hovered above his head disappeared. Mr. Cain went on to launch a somewhat successful radio talk show and also made a number of appearances on Fox News and other conservative talk shows. However the smear campaign that was launched against him had achieved its intended purpose which was to remove him from the Presidential race. These people are a vile and contemptuous group who will go to any lengths to achieve their objective which is to attract an audience and smear the reputation of mostly notable people.

Once we begin to allow the media and others to influence our thoughts and judgement we no longer have control of our mind. Once we begin to succumb to the pressure imposed by others we are not free and we are not strong. We must resist the efforts by others to dictate  to us what we should believe or who you should support.  We should be more than capable of making that decision on your own. If however your choice should turn out to be incorrect then so be it. At least you will have made the error based on your own judgement not by the irresponsible rhetoric being spewed by  someone else. We need to be courageous and not easily intimidated. For once we need to support our own!!!

Observe and listen CAUTIOUSLY!!! Registered & Protected<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

Written By; Al DeVeaux Jr.

The White Washing of the Black Mind

I have come to the realization that most of us Black people are in dire need of a readjustment, reconfiguration, and reconditioning of our minds and how we perceive ourselves and each other. Our lives and our method of thought are not what we  perceive them to be but what we have been taught or programmed for them to be. You see, from the moment our mind had the ability to learn, there has been a constant stream of misinformation and lies fed to it.  We have been consuming  and digesting this garbage for as long as we have been alive and the dose  has been constant and provided to us in abundance by white America and the media. Everything that we know and have come to understand about who we are and  (what we are not) has been fed to us by white America.


From ancient history to present day the information has always been designed to keep us subservient, docile, passive, humble, fearful, weak and ignorant. We have been very reluctant to challenge this perpetual  pervasive method of negative reinforcement, oppression, suppression, violence and cruel acts of physical torture which have resulted in mental anguish and wash out. Everything that we have learned and come to know as superiority has had a white face painted on it or influenced by white  America.  This is an established institution of dominance through physical and psychological warfare that has been systematically and with great fervor  launched against our people without interdiction.

We have been transformed over the  millenniums into  insentient humans who are void of culture and without any sense of identity. An extremely large segment us  lack the ability to discern for ourselves because we haven’t been taught how to utilize some basic tools needed to navigate our way through this life. Self esteem, self-awareness, self-confidence, self-identity, self-respect and coping skills are the essential tools required for the positive development of the human psychic. It is not a mere coincidence that these tools are absent within most of our Black brothers and sisters. Through the process of oppression and exclusion we have not learned the necessity of positive reinforcement for the sake of white dominance . However, we have  emphatically convinced ourselves that we are in control when in actuality, we are not.  Everything that we do and say and the manner in which we perceive ourselves and others, for the most part has been predicated on what we learn from white America and other influences within our environment .. I will provide a few of these examples for those of you who feel and think otherwise.

The institution of religion (Christianity) has been taught to us by the Europeans and with these teaching we have been provided with images the Virgin Mary, Jesus, The Disciples and God all of whom are depicted as white. We have been taught that the birth of Christ was an immaculate conception and that he is the son of God. Through this Holy man we will find our salvation for he will deliver us to the promised land. We have been introduced to the so-called holy bible  proclaimed to be the word of God ( which was written by him ) and that we should obey it religiously or risk burning in hell.. This book is however an extraordinary piece of literature which symbolizes what one may experience in life and offers us guidance. It teachings can serve us well if applied to ones life but not in the biblical sense.

God's word

We have been taught that Jews are the chosen people of God and that they will inherit his kingdom. I don’t know about you but I definitely don’t buy into that. However, here again we have an ethnic group declaring itself to be the chosen people of a an almighty god and we as Blacks (the true Hebrews) as being the descendents of Ham and cursed for all eternity for the color of our skin. We have been taught that ancient Egypt was ruled by whites and all of it’s magnificent structures and teachings were built and written by them and not the great Nubian ( Black people ) of Ethiopia.

Egyptianblack egyptians

We have been taught that all the great explorers and discoveries of the new world and other regions were by white people not the Ancient great Black people of Africa. The discovery of the Americas has been credited to Christopher Columbus even though Ancient Africans had already left their footprint here long before he was born. History depicts Columbus as a great explorer but neglects to reveal the barbaric nature of his exploitation and cruel and viscous treatment of the indigenous people of the Americas.

How is it that America celebrates a holiday in recognition of this murderous thief and extends to us a holiday sales opportunity to purchase goods that will fill their coffers? It seems only befitting for a country that has committed the same acts of violence and cruelty to exploit an entire race of Black people for personal gain would have a holiday honoring a man who has done likewise. All for the love or should I say greed of money!!!

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We have been taught about the landing of the pilgrims at Plymouth Rock and  the benevolence they extended to the indigenous people of that period. We have not been taught that the first people sent to populate the colonies in the early Americas were in  fact Englands own underclass of whites who were the first slaves in America. These were the men, women and children who were convicts, prostitutes, orphans, vagabonds, uneducated and whomever they considered rejects of the British crown. How about the disease they carried with them that plagued and wiped out a large percentage of the Native American population. Nor have we been taught about the violent confrontations that intensified negative stereotypes held by English settlers towards the Native Americans. Most Europeans characterized Indians as barbaric heathens and savages when in fact it they who were the barbaric savages who indulged in the cannibalism of their own due to starvation. We haven’t been taught of how they secretly distributed blankets contaminated with small pox to the Native American population to see how it would affect them. Nor about the countless promises and treaties broken, the murderous campaign and relocation of thousands because of their insatiable greed for gold and land. On the other hand we have been taught to celebrate Thanksgiving as a day of giving thanks to god for harvest and exchange of human kindness between the colonialists and the Native American. What hypocrites!!!


To be continued… Registered & Protected<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

Written By: Alton T. De Veaux Jr.





Bamboozeled Part 2

We today have  a large percentage of our brothers and sisters who are  unproductive and aspiring to be something that is elusive.  We find them chasing after an elusive life which emulates false images of fame and stardom. We witness them embracing a lifestyle that is rife with violence, no sense of direction, no education, no self-identity, no self-esteem, or self-confidence. These people are the sheep who have strayed away from the flock and have fallen victim to false prophets and salivating predators that use them for their own self gain. Most individuals lack any concept of what real success is and how it can be attained. Consequently what they decide to chase after is fleeting and non-substantive( importance or value). Is it because we still are riffed with a self-imposed slavery mentality or a self defeatist attitude?

Are we to afraid of pursuing an education or some legitimate skill set that would allow us to assimilate into the world of responsibility and productivity?  By our lack of desire to ascend to greater heights we are relegated to a position where others dictate what we can and can not do. Where we can and can not live. What schools our children can and can not attend. We have relinquished any form of control to the whim of the white man. I must reiterate that we have allowed ourselves to unknowingly be subdued and brainwashed and have lapsed into a more advanced and modern-day form of slavery. We believe ourselves to be in control but we are actually not. We are completely insentient and do not realize it.
We tell ourselves that to have a command of the English language is to speak like a white person. To be be an educated person and want to have access to the finer things in life is to emulate white people. We continuously say that we don’t want to be like white people. Yet every day I see black men and women emulating the very people that they proclaim not to want to be anything like. I see sisters with breast implants, an assortment of different colored wigs and weaves that they wag back and forth like some attention seeking white girl. They’re inserting  blue, green and hazel colored contacts or having their pupils injected with color altering chemicals  and bleaching their skin. What the heck is that all about if not someone who is in denial, full of self-hatred and doesn’t know who they really are?
This also applies to brothers with the tattoos depicting the thug life and riding around in cars that have been blinged out with accessories that usually cost more than the car is worth. When some of them open their mouths to speak I need sub titles to understand what the heck they’re saying. The style of dress is to  wear pants down and low exposing buttocks for all to see and the accessories of the day are gold covered teeth ( referred to as a grill ). This is absolutely pitiful and yet it is embraced, accepted and glamorized.
You have been dining on and digesting a constant diet of  B.S. and either you are too stupid to realize it or  you have no other aspirations in life so this is what is embraced.  This is the flavor of success your palate has acquired a taste for .  You want to sample being a rapper or maybe a thug and live a gangster lifestyle.  Definitely the wrong selection on the menu!!! Here are just a couple of examples used in the industry to “BAMBOOZLE” the unsuspecting prey.

Example; Rappers on video proclaiming to be thugs and gangsters drinking booze and waving around assault weapons and handguns. ie: white gangsters and thugs from the 1920’s to 1960’s who robbed and killed each other indiscriminately for territory and control over illegitimate enterprises. They also did not have any regard for a human life..
Example: P Diddy and fellow rappers on video sporting a white robe, slippers and cigar in hand occupying a high end hotel room.
Example: P Diddy in commercial promoting Cirock accompanied by some actors better known for their mob roles along with beautiful long-legged women and other well dressed people. Boarding a private jet and flying out to Vegas and seen traversing through an extravagant palatial hotel or casino, dancing with beautiful women and toasting the high life!!!!! Yeah, we should all aspire for that lifestyle. I understand the marketing concept and the promotion of your product but there is also a message that is being sent that is not conducive or in step with the plight of most ordinary African-American people. It is a self promoting commercial to get you to buy into the false imagery of what your life could be like if you would only buy and drink Cirock. They are selling you on the glamorous life of Las Vegas, private jets, pretty women, partying and expensive hotel accommodations. Oh and let’s not forget the alcohol to which  African-Americans spend over 400 million dollars annually to consume. This is a lifestyle that most people will never acquire in their lifetime and if they do they’ll just end up pissing it away.
This does not begin nor end with P Diddy but is a poison that has been perpetuated by him and others in that arena.
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The record labels recognized a prime opportunity to make an enormous amount of cash by grabbing these rappers to write and deliver these lyrics of hate, disrespect and violence and selling it to you.
They are trick ‘in you people by selling you on a lifestyle that most of them only write lyrics about and do not live. You buy into it because you are easily BAMBOOZLED.  You lack the ability to discern between what is genuine and what isn’t. What is reasonably achievable and what isn’t. I’m not for one minute suggesting that you don’t aim high but it is what you’re aiming high for that matters. I do not have an issue with someone expressing what they are experiencing however there must be some accountability. We have to take responsibility for what we are saying and how that is received by others. The platform was a great one that could have been utilized to raise the awareness level and empower the masses but it got turned into a pimp machine…

As long as we continue to pursue these types of misguided dreams and lifestyles, great and meaningful achievements will never happen. End of Story!

Written by: Al DeVeaux Jr. Registered & Protected<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> UONJ-OY44-WBQF-ZNGI

Bamboozeled Part 1

The majority of Black peoples inability to excel in life are compounded by obstacles that are both self-inflicted and institutionally imposed. There are certain aspects of life that one must grasp or have some semblance of in order to be the slightest bit relevant in this world. The absence of education and knowledge places one at the mercy of others because it leaves one irrelevant, at a disadvantage and vulnerable. It will more often than not handicap your ability to progress or to achieve your goals.

The basic necessities needed to forge through life are simple and far from complex. We are continuously making life much more difficult than it needs to be. If we were to just gather ourselves and map out a simple course of action needed to accomplish some very basic goals we would be able to position ourselves for greater opportunities. But this however is something that a large majority of us black folk fail to do. We have become so accustomed to being irrelevant and complacent that we don’t even realize it. The process of devaluation and the marginalization by Europeans ( so-called white America ) over the years has damaged us to the point where we lack any positive perception of ourselves. To further compound this issue we are void of any substantive structure and discipline within our families and communities. We elect not to educate ourselves because of our self defeatist and nonchalant attitudes which also serve as constant road blocks in our life. We are rife with self-hatred and absent of self-identity which leads us to emulate the wrong people. We convince ourselves that a formal education and the ability to articulate oneself are qualities and characteristics unique to European ( so-called white people ). It is however quite the contrary, for these are essential components required to achieve any degree of success as a Black man or human being?

One major problem is that we handcuff and shackle ourselves mentally and physically. That for the most part is a very disturbing self-inflicted phenomenon. It is a process that requires very little effort on our part which is mainly due to complacency and familiarity. We tend to not possess the motivation or desire that is needed to change our situations. We have always succumb to our own fears, preconditioning and laziness. It has become too comfortable for us in our environment and we lack the initiative to strive for something better or different. Our little communities are a safe haven for us which doesn’t demand anything except for the mere desire to exist. How disturbing is that? There are a disproportionate number of us who want to maintain the status quo and will not do anything that threatens it. We will not venture out of our immediate environment to explore possibilities of what life has to offer. We have become extremely comfortable with the current circumstances and have no inclination to change it. Fear and a lack of self-confidence……

We have without a doubt been bamboozled and don’t even realize it. During four hundred plus years of slavery, we have been separated from our home country, stripped of our identity, afflicted with self-hatred, inflicted with cruel, vicious, inhumane treatment,. Not permitted to read, write, educate ourselves or to speak back to the European (so-called white man) without fear of physical retribution. We have had our spirits broken to demoralize us,  our dignity castrated, endured unquestionable suffrage and have had to accept the  Europeans ( so called whites ) as our masters and the superior race. We have been systematically conditioned to depend on these people for our very existence. That without their shameful arrogant pretentious benevolence we are meaningless and helpless. They have portrayed themselves as the savior and we have become the lamb of the field. The majority of Black folk are very much like sheep or cattle, breeding and wandering about aimlessly all day grazing in the pasture.  We have been conditioned for docility and should we become unruly, his trusted herd dog (police) will restore things back to order.

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Al DeVeaux Jr.